Ankylosing Spondylosis: How I got cured after the struggle of 15 years
By Dr. Kiran Seth in Rheumatology
May 5, 2018
15 years of struggle to find the right treatment, Mr. R K Gaur, suffering from Uveitis (the constant redness in the eye); along with the low back ache with heel pain and bilateral knee joint swelling was diagnosed and treated for Ankylosing Spondylosis in Metro Hospitals and Heart Institute by Dr. Kiran Seth.
We bring to you the story from diagnosing the disease till effective treatment from the perspective of a happy patient and an expert doctor.
Mr. R K Gaur (patient) writes:
I, R .K. Gaur, a 51 year old man who went through a struggle of 15 year to find a reliable and permanent cure for my eye problem (Uveitis) which occurred time to time with pain in legs and back. There was so much pain in my leg, that I was not even able to move one place to another. My eye doctor advised me to go to rheumatologists for the complete treatment, so that the problem of swelling in the eye does not happen repeatedly. After that, I met Dr. Kiran Seth, Rheumatologist – Metro Hospitals and Heart Institute.
I read various patient forums and consulted several doctors with no lead. It’s my good fortune and God’s blessings; I met Dr. Kiran Seth, Consultant Physician Rheumatologis at Metro Hospitals & Heart Institute, Noida in 2016, who decided to work on a permanent solution for my problems.
During the course of examination by Dr. Kiran Seth and the team of Metro Group of Hospitals my HLA -27 B was found positive, and with other test Ankylosing Spondylosis and Uveitis was diagnosed.
I am narrating my experience below to make people aware about this rare condition and Express my gratitude.
“I was suffering from Ankylosing Spondylosis and Uveitis all together for more than 15 year but none of the doctors was able to diagnose it. I always used to remain afraid about the redness in my eye which used to occur at short interval of time and thus it takes two to three month to become normal.
In 2002, I realized that my right foot and back had developed pain and after a few months, the pain used to occur frequently in the interval of every 8 to 10 month. I went to many doctors; they provided me Ortho and other kind of treatment. Side by side, my eye also became red, swelled up and I had to go for 2- 3 month for eye treatment each and every time whenever pain develops in leg and back.
During the treatment, I was given the biological injection by the doctor fortnightly, and then monthly and now it’s quarterly for Ankylosing Spondylosis and Uveitis and it has a positive effect on me and I could see that change in me which I aspired since years.
I am leading a normal life now. Pain in the legs and back as well as swelling in eye has been reduced to a lot extent. I am sharing this to help any patient who may be suffering with the same condition as I have been for the last 15 years and wish they get benefitted by adopting right approach by consulting the right doctor for their condition.”
Regards, R.K.GAUR
Dr. Kiran Seth, Consultant – Physician Rheumatologist explains this case:
Patient Mr. R K Gaur was referred from an eye hospital as he was suffering from Uveitis (the constant redness in the eye); along with the low back ache with heel pain and bilateral knee joint swelling. The redness in his eyes was initially episodic with prolonged interval and was increasing, occurring at the smaller intervals.
After all the investigations, it was found that the patient was suffering from Ankylosing Spondylosis, Uveitis with increased disease activity. Before starting the treatment the patient was vaccinated with Influenza and Pneumococcal vaccine. He was also investigated for active Tuberculosis, his Mantoux and Quantiferon gold was found to be positive where as CT of chest and abdomen was normal.
Initially the patient was put on Methotrexate and Salazopyrin for a month but there was no improvement seen in the redness of his eyes and the pain in the joints. After which the patient was suggested other available treatment options. All the pros and cons of the treatment were discussed with the patient and he opted for the biologics along with DMARDs.
After the informed consent the patient was given the 1st dose of TNF Alpha Blockers with Methotrexate along with INH prophylaxis.
On the very next day the patient called me up in the morning and told me “Thank you so much Doctor, it feels like I am free from all kind of pain. It’s like I have broken all the shackles those were present around me all these years. My body is pain free now and evens the redness in my eye has reduced.”
The treatment continued for 6 months and in between regular follow up tests to measure the disease activity was done. The treatment was stepped down when the patient was in the remission phase.
Presently, the patient is doing well in all the aspects of life and now he’s on the maintenance dose of Methotrexate along with regular exercise and diet.
Metro Group of Hospitals backed by the team of experienced and renowned clinicians and advanced diagnostic and treatment technology ensures precise diagnosis and effective treatment for every disease.
For appointments, kindly call: +919910492867 or e-mail: metro@metrohospitals.com