Breastfeeding: Benefits To The Mothers And Safety Tips In Times Of COVID
By in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Aug 7, 2020
A woman grows both physically and emotionally from the time she forms a relationship with her newborn. Breastfeeding provides optimal nutrition to the baby and also improves mothers’ health. Hence, it is important to know its benefits for both the mother and her baby.
Worlds Breastfeeding Week, celebrated in the first week of August (1 to 7) every year, is marked to encourage breastfeeding, which improves the health of both, the babies and mothers around the world.
Here we discuss various benefits it has in the baby as well as the mother.
When to Start Breastfeeding
- Ideally it should be started as soon as the baby is born, even before cutting the umbilical cord.
- The suckling of the baby releases the hormone oxytocin which causes early separation of the placenta and reduces the blood loss during pregnancy.
Ideal Nutrition
- Breast milk provides ideal nutrition for your baby including everything the baby needs. Its composition changes according to the baby’s need, therefore no milk can replace it.
- It is easily digestible.
Health Breastfeeding Benefits the Baby
- In the first few days of life, colostrum is produced, which is thick yellow in color and rich in proteins and other compounds. It is essential for the development of newborns’ immature digestive system.
- The presence of antibodies in breast milk helps the baby fight off viruses and bacteria and prevents the baby from falling sick.
- Babies, who have breastfed, have lower rates of asthma, diabetes, childhood leukemia, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
- Skin to skin contact helps the baby to thrive.
Safe, Hygenic & Cost-Effective
- Breast milk is always fresh, perfectly clean, just the right temperature, and is the healthy choice at the least cost. It requires no preparation and sterilization unlike formula feeding
Emotional Health & Psychological Benefits
- A woman’s ability to produce all of the nutrients that her child needs can provide her with a sense of confidence and less anxiety. However, a proper diet should be maintained and certain foods that might cause agitation to bay must be avoided.
- Hormones released during breastfeeding help to strengthen the maternal bond.
Helps in Normalizing the Uterus size
- Breastfeeding releases oxytocin and prolactin hormone which helps uterus get back to normal size quickly and also decreases blood loss.
- These hormones help the mother relax and be more nurturing towards the baby.
Weight Loss
- Mothers exclusively breastfeeding their baby return to their pre-pregnancy weight much faster.
- Breastfeeding appears to reduce the risk of obesity and hypertension.
Contraception Benefits
- Breastfeeding acts as a contraceptive measure and helps in birth spacing. It is natural and totally free, called the lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM).
Long Term Benefits & Cancer Protection
- Breastfeeding also has long term benefits as it decreases the incidence of reproductive cancers in the mother, including breast cancer, uterine cancer, endometrial and ovarian cancers.
- It also reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis in later years of life.
Safety of Breastfeeding in COVID Positive Women
Major studies and evidence support the continuation of breastfeeding during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) stated in a study that breast milk is unlikely a source of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and it is the best choice for infant feeding.
- Birthing parents who contracted the coronavirus are unlikely to transmit it to their newborn if proper precautions such as hand and breast washing, and wearing a surgical mask while feeding is followed.
- Some experts also suggest that breastfeeding with COVID-19 can provide the newborn with antibodies that are protective against the coronavirus.
- If you are very sick and cannot feed the baby, you can express breast milk and relatives/health care workers can provide it to your baby.
- Express breastmilk frequently throughout the day to maintain your milk supply.
UNICEF points out the importance of following the 3 Ws, which are:
- Wear a mask during feeding,
- Wash hands with soap before and after touching the baby and,
- Wipe and disinfect surfaces regularly.
Conclusively it can be said that breastfeeding provides a unique emotional experience for the nursing mother and the baby. It is not always easy, but it is always worth it. So always practice it to enjoy its benefits for you and your little angel.