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What is a TrueBeam Linear Accelerator (LINAC)? All You Need to Know

By in Truebeam Linac

Nov 21, 2022

Research into treating various types of cancers has been ongoing for many years. Advances in medical technology have enabled successful treatment for many patients. However, certain types of cancers remain challenging to treat, with treatment approaches varying based on the cancer’s location, stage, type, and the patient’s overall health.

Certain cancers and tumours are positioned in a way that it is difficult to get a clear image and treat them with nearly perfect precision. Such a situation makes it difficult to perform radiation therapy for cancers which results in side effects. However, the recent development called TrueBeam LINAC is a way better solution. Let’s discuss this excellent technology in detail.

Overview of TrueBeam Linear Accelerator (LINAC)

The TrueBeam Linear Accelerator (LINAC), developed by Varian Medical Systems, represents a cutting-edge medical system that enables precise treatment of challenging cancers. This revolutionary model has greatly benefited cancer patients.

TrueBeam Linear Accelerator (LINAC) effectively treats cancers in the brain, breast, head and neck, liver, lung, pancreas, and spine.

Tumors previously deemed inoperable are now accessible with TrueBeam. This advanced technology utilizes high-resolution imaging and precise radiation delivery to visualize and target tumors accurately.


The TrueBeam Linear Accelerator (LINAC) combines a linear accelerator with a radiation system that generates precise images of tumors and administers targeted radiation doses. Every 10 seconds, TrueBeam verifies the tumor’s location to enhance accuracy and adjusts its radiation beams accordingly. This allows radiation to be delivered from multiple angles to precisely target cancerous tissue.

Specifications & Features

  • It consists of a beam-producing system that produces photon, electron, and diagnostic X-ray radiation. This is used to produce 3D images. The device also has a control panel offering better operability options.
  • The device has six rotational couches, a motion management interface (MMI), and a visual coaching device.
  • It contains a variety of imaging tools like CBCT imaging, including 4D CBCT, gated CBCT imaging, short ARC CBCT, extended-length CBCT, and multi-scan CBCT.
  • It also features a multileaf collimator (or MLC), which shapes the beam as needed. 
  • The device can create apertures of different shapes and sizes by using 120 computer-controlled “leaves” or “fingers.” 
  • TrueBeam integrates the previously FDA-cleared Trilogy radiotherapy system and related accessories in one single device.
  • It also has LaserGuard II, which uses 2.5MV and 4MV to 25MV energy for operation. 
  • It also features kV CCDS, which is a supplemental capacitive collision detection system.
  • The device has a touch-guard at the kV radiation source.
  • It has a Maestro synchronous control system that enables seamless system operation.


TrueBeam represents a revolutionary technology poised to transform cancer treatment worldwide. It offers several advantages, including:

  • Earlier radiation treatments typically lasted about 30 minutes, whereas with TrueBeam, a single radiation dose can be administered in under two minutes.
  • It can create accurate 3D images of cancers and tumours accurately.
  • It can pinpoint the exact location of hard-to-reach cancers.
  • Doctors can utilize the device to view real-time images of the cancer as they administer radiation treatment.
  • The system’s sophisticated architecture includes accuracy checks performed every 10 seconds to ensure precise delivery to the intended location.
  • It can combine different steps of treatment like imaging, radiation beam shaping, motion management, patient positioning, and dose delivery into one.
  • It enhances comfort as the treatment time is less.
  • It also helps in protecting nearby healthy tissue during radiation as the dosage is delivered in accurate spots of the tumour, even if the tumour is subject to continuous motion.

What to expect when getting TrueBeam treatment?

If you are undergoing TrueBeam treatment for cancer, your oncologist will begin by taking advanced images of the cancer and designing a personalized radiation therapy plan. This plan will detail the specific doses, number of sessions, and radiotherapy techniques tailored to your needs.

Before the actual treatment, you will be subjected to a preparatory session. Where the treatment area will be marked, the device will be aligned as per the requirement, and several other parameters will be set for the treatment.

On the day of treatment, the patient will be positioned on the device, and the TrueBeam linear accelerator will rotate to deliver the radiation beam to the targeted area.

Side Effects of TrueBeam Radiation

Although the side effects of TrueBeam radiation are considerably less intense than other forms of radiation and cancer treatments, they can still occur. Some of these side effects include:

  • Diarrhoea 
  • Nausea
  • Red and irritated skin
  • Swelling at the treatment site


Cancer treatment is an overwhelming and exhaustive process with varying side effects. However, with new-age technology like TrueBeam, cancer treatment can be more effective and less harmful. More such advanced technologies in the future can hopefully make cancer treatment easier and more successful.