World Health Day – Let’s Pledge to Contribute
By Dr. Kiran Seth in Rheumatology
Apr 7, 2018
“Health is a human right. No one should get sick and die just because they are poor, or because they cannot access the health services they need.”- Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Director-General WHO)
Health is Wealth, one of the most common proverbs, reminds us that being healthy is considered as the critical contributor in the country’s productivity and competitiveness
Today, 7th April, WHO will be celebrating its 70th anniversary and the focus, is on health for all. WHO has declared 7 April as World Health Day across the globe. The theme for this year is “Universal Health Coverage: Everyone, Everywhere.” On this special occasion we would like to enlighten maximum number of people about the importance of good health.
This year the world leaders will be living up to the pledges they had made in the year 2015 about the various Sustainable Development Goals and thus will be taking concrete steps to advance and enhance the health of the public. This means that everyone everywhere will soon have the access of the essential quality of health services without going through any financial hardships.
What Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is:
- Universal Health Coverage is the key to people and nation’s health and well-being.
- It means that people from all the communities irrespective of their caste, gender, religion, financial status, will receive all the basic health services according to their requirement without going through any financial hardship.
- Universal Health Coverage allows everyone to get the services which address the most important causes of disease and death and, thus makes sure that the quality of services given to the people is good enough so that their health can be improved.
- Universal health Coverage makes sure that people don’t have to choose between good health and other life necessities.
On an average half of the world’s population is unable to attain the important and essential health services. As mentioned in the reports by WHO in 2017, nearly 800 million people i.e. approximately 12% of the world’s population is spending the minimum of 10% of their household budgets on health expenses either for themselves, or over a sick child or on other family member.
According to universal health coverage, access to crucial care and financial protection not only upgrades public health and life expectancy but it also protects countries from various epidemics, reduces poverty, risk of hunger, creates employment, increase economic growth and hence intensify the gender equality.
The government and the private health organizations are trying their best to provide the affordable health services to the population, and thus we are seeing a notable achievement in health sector as:
- The life expectancy has been doubled up
- There’s a sharp decline in the infant mortality rate and crude death.
Some tips which every one of us can follow to maintain a good health. Let’s initiate on our levels and make difference to our health.
- Instill the habit of washing hands regularly as the germs easily get transported from hands to the mouth.
- Exercise regularly to stay fit and healthy always.
- Start eating healthy breakfast as breakfast is considered as the most important meal of the day. Eating a healthy breakfast in the morning will help you to avoid snacking for the rest of the day.
- Start adding more vegetables in your diet as they are rich in various nutrients and promotes good health.
- Say no to junk food
- Bathing is important as a good shower helps to remove the dirt and odor from body. Bathing helps us to reinvigorate.
- Cut down your nails regularly as the nails act as a host for infections and germs.
- Try to avoid sharing your personal items such as razors, toothbrush and nail clips etc as they can lead to the transmission of germs.
- Avoid sugary items as much as you can as excessive intake of sugar puts negative impact on our weight and skin and also leads to other chronic diseases.
- Good sleep is very important as it keeps us healthy and disease free.
- Try to stay stress free as it causes various health problems such as depression, insomnia and heart diseases.
- Stay hydrated as water flush out the toxins present in your body and thus revitalizes your cells.
- Quit smoking while limiting the intake of alcohol as these habits leads to various diseases especially heart disease.
- Always practice safe sex as it will prevent you from various sexually transmitted diseases.
On the occasion of World Health Day, Metro Hospitals & Heart Institute, Noida is organizing Metro Health Fest 3. We are committed towards ensuring timely screening and treatment and hence the healthy communities.
Metro Health Fest 3 will offer following Free Consultations in following specialities :
- Cardiology
- Pulmonology
- Orthopaedics
- Gynaecology
- Paediatrics
- Gastroenterology
- Neurology
- Neuro Surgery
- Rheumatology
- Eye
- Internal Medicine
- Urology
- Oncology
- Laparoscopic Surgery
- Physiotherapy • Psychiatry • GI & Bariatric Surgery • IVF • Nephrology & Kidney Transplant
Following Free Investigations will be done:
- Bone Densitometry*
- Peak-flowmetry*
- ECG*
- Blood Sugar Test
- BP Check
- Pulmonary Function Test*
- Height & Weight Monitoring
Health Awareness Talk will also be conducted to ensure timely diagnosis: On this year’s World Health Day Theme – “Universal Health Coverage Everyone, Everywhere ” Special talk on “Preventive Health Screening: Key to Good Health” by Dr. Kiran Seth, Sr. Consultant – Physician Rheumatologist
We are offering Free Metro Privilege Card on registration, save upto 20% on future medical bills. Buy 1 Preventive Health Check-Up Package & Get 1 Free (of equal or lesser value)
Registrations & more Information: +91 99104 92867, +91 120 4366 666 Date & Time: Sunday, 8th April, 2018; 10 am to 2 pm (Registrations: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm)
Venue: OPD, Metro Hospitals & Heart Institute (Multispeciality Wing), L-94, Sec. – 11, Noida, UP, India