Living Donor Liver Transplant Surgery
By Dr. Ankur Garg in Metro Heart Institute with Multispecialty, Faridabad
A 41-year-old, resident of Uzbekistan, suffering from a liver ailment for the past 8 years, underwent a Liver transplant at Metro Hospital, Faridabad. The patient was diagnosed with liver disease a few years back and for the past 2 months, he was completely bedridden. He was hospitalized in his country in ICU and he came to our center in complete failure of liver with severe blood infection (sepsis) and kidney dysfunction. Patient’s family was suggested Liver Transplant for the patient in view of acute on chronic liver failure. The patient’s brother came forward to help his brother and was evaluated as a potential donor.
Patient was managed and optimized for the ongoing problems and was taken for LIVING DONOR LIVER TRANSPLANT surgery at the best optimized state. The surgery was uneventful. Donor was out of ICU after 1 day and got discharged on sixth day of surgery. The patient also recovered well post-surgery with improvement in kidney function as well and was shifted out of ICU on day 7. His liver functions recovered well and was discharged from the hospital on DAY 19 after surgery.
Most patients of end-stage liver disease who have acute on chronic liver failure present with severe infection, multi-organ dysfunction, and edema in brain and require urgent liver transplant as curative treatment. This requires great expertise and many patients from other under-developed countries come to India in hope of getting the world class care. Metro Hospital, Faridabad is the first and only center in the city with world class facilities and expertise to deal with such patients and to do this complex surgery. When done at an appropriate time success rate of liver transplant in these patients is more than 90% with an active and best quality of life post transplantation.