Noida Sector 12

Noida Sector 11


Preet Vihar, Delhi

Pandav Nagar, Delhi






Understanding Headache

Headache is a common ailment experienced by people of all ages and backgrounds. While they can be a minor inconvenience for some, others may find them debilitating. Understanding the various aspects of headaches, including their causes, types, and management, is crucial for those seeking relief.

Exploring Headache Types

Metro Headache Clinic addresses a spectrum of headache types, each necessitating a tailored approach for optimal management & treatment.

  • Tension Headaches: Chara-cterized by a dull, constant ache around the head or neck, often stemming from stress, poor posture, or anxiety. These headaches often worsen by prolonged periods of computer use or tension in the neck and shoulder muscles.
  • Migraine Headaches: Intense, throbbing pain often accom-panied by sensitivity to light and sound. Genetic factors and hormonal changes contribute to their occurrence. Migraines may be triggered by specific foods, hormonal fluctuations, or environmental factors.
  • Cluster Headaches: Rare but extremely painful headaches occurring in cycles, usually lasting for several weeks or months, followed by periods of remission. These headaches are often characterized by their intensity and association with eye-related symptoms.
  • Sinus Headaches: Caused by sinusitis, leading to pain and pressure around the eyes, cheeks, and forehead. These headaches are often linked to sinus infections, allergies, or nasal congestion.
  • Rebound Headaches: Result from overuse of pain medication, leading to increased frequency and severity. This type of headache often requires careful management to break the cycle of medication overuse.
  • Hormonal Headaches: are Linked to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or menopause.
  • Hemicrania Continua: A rare type of chronic headache responding well to medication. It requires careful diagnosis and ongoing management.
  • Primary Stabbing Headaches: Sudden, sharp, stabbing pains lasting only a few seconds, occurring anywhere on the head and usually not a cause for concern. These headaches, also known as “ice creame headaches,” are typically brief but intense.
  • Thunderclap Headaches: Sudden, severe headaches requiring immediate medical attention. These headaches may be indicative of serious underlying conditions such as a ruptured blood vessel or brain aneurysm.
  • Primary Exertional Headaches: Headaches occurring during or after physical activity, generally short-lived but severe. These headaches are often associated with strenuous exercise and may require lifestyle modifications.
  • Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicranias: Cause severe, stabbing pain on one side of the head, often associated with tearing of the eyes and nasal congestion.

Understanding headache is crucial for timely intervention. Seek immediate attention if you experience:

  • Fever, neck stiffness, or abnormal neurological symptoms.
  • Sudden, new headaches in individuals over 50.
  • Headaches associated with confusion or encephalitis.
  • Neurological symptoms like weakness, dizziness, or vision changes.
  • Headaches accompanied by unexplained fever, shortness of breath, or one-sided weakness.

Determining Causes

Identifying headache causes is vital for targeted treatment. In-depth evaluation is essential, considering various factors:

Tension: Stress, poor posture, and anxiety contribute to tension headaches.

Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in estrogen levels during menstruation or menopause can trigger migraines in some women.

Environmental Factors: Bright lights, loud noises, and strong smells can act as triggers.

Medical Conditions: Headaches can be a symptom of sinusitis, high blood pressure, and brain tumors.


Comprehensive examination, combining medical history, physical assessments, and specialized tests can help in identifying the type & cause of headache. Certain tests may be conducted to diagnose the headache in detail.

  • CT Scan or MRI
  • Blood Tests
  • Lumbar Puncture
  • Electroencephalogram (EEG)
  • Sinus X-ray

Simple lifestyle changes to prevent headaches

Migraines and other headaches can really disrupt your life with pounding headaches, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. But besides medicine, you can try some easy lifestyle changes to help reduce how often and how bad these headaches are.

Drink Enough Water

Dehydration is a big trigger for migraines. So, make sure you drink plenty of water, especially when it’s hot or when you’re doing physical stuff.

Get Good Sleep

Try to stick to a regular sleep routine. Aim for 7-9 hours each night. Don’t sleep too much on weekends, as this might trigger migraines.

Eat well

Eat a balanced diet with lots of natural foods. Don’t skip meals, and watch out for foods that might trigger migraines, like caffeine, chocolate, or processed foods. You can keep a diary to track what foods might be causing your headaches.

Manage stress

Practice simple stress-reducing tricks like deep breathing or doing yoga. Figure out what stresses you out and find ways to deal with it. Exercise is also great for managing stress.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise helps keep you healthy and can make migraines happen less often and be less intense. Start with easy activities and slowly do more as you feel comfortable.

Take breaks and rest

Make sure you take time to relax. Pushing yourself too hard can trigger migraines, so it’s important to balance activity with rest.

Watch your caffeine

Some people find relief with caffeine, but too much can cause migraines. Pay attention to how much caffeine you have and try to cut back if you need to.

Stick to a routine

Have a regular daily routine, like waking up and going to bed at the same time. Eating meals at the same time every day is also helpful. Sudden changes in routine might trigger migraines.

Check hormones

For some, changes in hormones can lead to migraines. If you think this might be happening to you, talk to a doctor for advice.

Create a calm space

Make sure your home and work spaces are relaxing. Try to avoid bright lights and loud noises. You can also add calming things like nice smells or soothing music.

Remember, it might take some time to see results with these changes. If your migraines keep happening or get worse, it’s a good idea to talk to a doctor for more help.

Why Metro Headache Clinic?

Headache specialists who understand you:

Team of headache specialists who understand that not all headaches are the same.

They recognize your unique pain patterns and create a plan just for you.

They ensure you receive high-quality care tailored to your individual needs.

Solutions made just for you:

We know one size doesn’t fit all. Our solutions are personalized to match your specific headache experience.

Your treatment plan considers your unique triggers and characteristics.

Customized physiotherapy for relief:

Experience tailored physiotherapy designed to address the physical aspects contributing to your headaches.

Custom exercises and interventions aim to provide you with targeted relief.

Rehabilitation program for long-term


For those with chronic headaches, our customized rehabilitation program offers a holistic approach.

It combines various therapies to not just relieve symptoms but to improve your overall well-being

Everyday Headaches: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Dr. Sonia Lal Gupta

Sr. Consultant - Neurology
Managing Director - Metro College of Health Sciences and Research
Director - Metro Group of Hospitals

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Frequently asked questions

Headaches can be triggered by various factors, including stress, tension, dehydration, lack of sleep, sinus congestion, hormonal changes, certain foods or drinks, and underlying medical conditions.

You should seek medical attention if you experience severe or persistent headaches, sudden onset of a severe headache (thunderclap headache), headaches accompanied by neurological symptoms like numbness or weakness, or if headaches interfere with your daily activities.

Headaches can be categorized into primary headaches (like tension headaches, migraines, and cluster headaches) and secondary headaches (caused by underlying conditions like sinusitis, head injury, or medication overuse). A healthcare provider can help diagnose the specific type of headache based on your symptoms and medical history.

Lifestyle changes that may help prevent headaches include maintaining a regular sleep schedule, managing stress through relaxation techniques or mindfulness practices, staying hydrated, avoiding triggers like certain foods or drinks, and maintaining good posture.

Alternative therapies such as acupuncture, massage therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and biofeedback may offer relief for some individuals with headaches. However, it’s essential to discuss these options with a healthcare provider before trying them.

Yes, certain foods and drinks like caffeine, alcohol, aged cheese, processed meats, and artificial sweeteners are known triggers for headaches in some individuals. Keeping a food diary and identifying potential triggers can help manage headaches.

Stress can trigger or exacerbate headaches by causing muscle tension and increasing cortisol levels. Managing stress through relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or exercise can help reduce headache frequency and intensity.

In many cases, mild to moderate exercise can actually help alleviate headaches by promoting blood flow and releasing endorphins. However, it’s essential to listen to your body and avoid vigorous exercise if your headache is severe or accompanied by other symptoms.

Dehydration is a common trigger for headaches. Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day can help maintain hydration levels and reduce the risk of headaches. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day, or more if you’re physically active or in hot weather.

You should consider seeing a neurologist for your headaches if they are severe, frequent, or persistent despite over-the-counter treatments. Additionally, if your headaches are accompanied by neurological symptoms such as numbness, weakness, or changes in vision, it’s important to seek evaluation by a neurologist.

During your appointment, the neurologist will conduct a thorough evaluation, which may include taking a detailed medical history, performing a physical examination, and possibly ordering diagnostic tests such as imaging studies or blood tests. Based on the findings, the neurologist will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Neurologists are trained to diagnose and treat various types of headaches, including tension headaches, migraines, cluster headaches, and secondary headaches caused by underlying medical conditions or injuries.

Yes, neurologists specialize in managing chronic headaches and migraines. They can provide comprehensive care, including preventive strategies to reduce the frequency and severity of headaches, as well as acute treatments to alleviate symptoms during headache attacks.

Depending on your individual situation, your neurologist may recommend periodic follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, adjust your treatment plan as needed, and address any new or recurring symptoms. Ongoing communication with your neurologist can help ensure long-term management and prevention of headaches.