Noida Sector 12

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Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment in Noida, Delhi Ncr, India

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition where the peripheral nerves, responsible for transmitting signals between the brain, spinal cord, and the rest of the body, are damaged. This damage disrupts the communication of sensory information and muscle commands. Symptoms often include searing or tingling pain, and while treatment can alleviate discomfort, it doesn’t always lead to complete recovery.

Types of Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is classified into several types based on the nerves affected:

  • Motor Neuropathy: Affects nerves controlling voluntary muscle movements, leading to issues with speaking and moving limbs.
  • Sensory Neuropathy: Involves nerves responsible for sensory inputs like pain, temperature, and touch, often resulting in severe discomfort.
  • Autonomic Neuropathy: Damages nerves regulating involuntary bodily functions such as breathing and heart rate.
  • Combination Neuropathies: Conditions like sensory-motor neuropathy involve a mix of symptoms from different neuropathy types.

Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy

Various factors can lead to peripheral neuropathy, including:

  • Type 2 Diabetes: Poorly controlled blood sugar levels can damage peripheral nerves.
  • Alcoholism: Excessive alcohol consumption can be toxic to the nervous system.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Lack of essential vitamins like B1, B6, B12, folic acid, and vitamin E can cause nerve damage.
  • Autoimmune Disorders: Conditions like Guillain-Barré syndrome and lupus can lead to neuropathy.
  • Chemotherapy: Certain cancer treatments can harm peripheral nerves.
  • Tumors: Both cancerous and benign tumors can impact nerve function.
  • Genetic Disorders: Hereditary conditions such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease can cause neuropathy.
  • Infections: Viral and bacterial infections like HIV and Lyme disease can damage nerves.
  • Leprosy: This disease, more common in developing countries, can severely affect the skin and nerves.
  • Surgery: Operations can sometimes cause direct nerve damage or exacerbate existing issues.
  • Circulatory Problems: Poor circulation can lead to nerve damage.

Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy

Common symptoms include:

  • Muscle weakness and cramps
  • Twitching muscles
  • Loss of muscle and bone mass
  • Numbness or loss of sensation
  • Balance difficulties
  • Emotional disturbances and sleep disruptions
  • Heat intolerance due to sweating issues
  • Bladder and bowel control problems
  • Digestive issues
  • Severe symptoms like difficulty breathing or irregular heartbeat

Diagnosis of Peripheral Neuropathy

Diagnostic tests may include:

  • Blood tests
  • Muscle strength assessments
  • Spinal fluid analysis
  • Imaging tests like CT scans & MRI scans
  • Electromyography
  • Nerve and skin biopsies

Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy

Treatment options focus on symptom management and may involve:

  • Medications: Various drugs to manage pain and other symptoms.
  • Surgery: Procedures to relieve pressure on nerves or remove damaged nerve sections.
  • Physical Therapy: Helps improve movement and reduce pain.
  • Wearable Equipment: Orthotics, crutches, and special shoes to support mobility.
  • Foot Care: Essential for those with diabetes to prevent infections and complications.
  • Alternative Therapies: Methods like acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).

Prevention of Peripheral Neuropathy

Preventive measures include:

  • Avoiding alcohol
  • Addressing nutritional deficiencies
  • Maintaining a healthy diet
  • Managing weight
  • Avoiding exposure to harmful substances
  • Regular physical activity
  • Proper management of chronic conditions like diabetes and kidney disease


Peripheral neuropathy can significantly affect one’s quality of life. Early diagnosis and management can prevent the progression of the condition. If you notice symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, consult a doctor promptly to explore treatment options.

Reviewed & Updated On

Reviewed by Dr. Neeraj Kumar, Sr. Consultant – Neurology on 05-July-2024.



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