Noida Sector 12

Noida Sector 11


Preet Vihar, Delhi

Pandav Nagar, Delhi






Upper Back Pain Treatment in Delhi, India


Upper back pain refers to discomfort or pain in the area between the base of the neck and the bottom of the rib cage. The upper back plays a critical role in providing stability, anchoring the rib cage, and protecting vital internal organs. Unlike the lower back, the upper back is relatively resistant to injury and pain. However, when pain does occur, it is usually due to poor posture over time or a significant injury. Upper back pain can manifest as sharp, burning pain in one specific area or as a general ache that may spread to the neck, shoulders, and other areas.

Types of Upper Back Pain

Upper back pain is classified into two main types:

  1. Muscular Irritation: This type occurs when large muscles in the upper back, such as those attached to the shoulder blade and rib cage, become tight or strained due to overuse or lack of strength.
  2. Joint Dysfunction: This results from issues with the joints in the thoracic spine, often caused by aging or sudden injury, leading to upper back pain.

Symptoms of Upper Back Pain

Symptoms of upper back pain can range from mild discomfort to severe, debilitating pain. Common symptoms include:

  • Sharp or throbbing pain
  • Soreness or stiffness
  • Reduced mobility
  • Radiating pain to the arms, neck, or shoulders
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Weakness in the affected area

Severe upper back pain can interfere with daily activities like sitting, lifting, and standing for long periods.

When to See a Doctor

Consult a doctor if you experience persistent upper back pain, radiating pain, numbness, tingling, or a loss of coordination. These symptoms could indicate a more serious underlying condition requiring medical attention.

Causes of Upper Back Pain

Upper back pain can result from:

  • Poor Posture: Long-term slouching can lead to weak and strained muscles, contributing to upper back pain.
  • Improper Lifting Techniques: Incorrect posture when lifting heavy objects can strain the upper back muscles.
  • Accidents or Injuries: Vehicle accidents, falls, or other trauma can injure the spinal bones or muscles, resulting in upper back pain.

Upper Back Pain Diagnosis

To diagnose upper back pain, doctors may conduct the following evaluations:

  • Patient History: Detailed information on symptoms, family history, and lifestyle is gathered to understand potential causes.
  • Physical Examination: The doctor will assess posture, tenderness, and any abnormalities in the upper back.
  • Diagnostic Tests: X-rays and MRIs can help identify issues with bones or soft tissues.
  • Blood Tests: These may be used to check for underlying conditions such as infections, arthritis, or cancer.

Upper Back Pain Treatment

Several treatments are available for upper back pain, including:

  • Physical Therapy: A physical therapist designs a personalized exercise program to stretch and strengthen the back, neck, and core muscles.
  • Prescribed Medications: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and opioids may be prescribed to reduce pain.
  • Injections: Steroid injections may be administered to provide short-term pain relief.
  • Surgery: In rare cases, surgery such as vertebral augmentation or spinal decompression may be necessary to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerves.

Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Alternative treatments for upper back pain include:

  • Acupuncture: Thin needles are placed on pain points to relieve tension and reduce pain.
  • Electrotherapy: Small electric pulses are applied to the affected area to alleviate pain.

Risk Factors for Upper Back Pain

Several factors can increase the risk of developing upper back pain, including:

  • Gender: Gender: Women tend to have a higher likelihood of experiencing back pain compared to men.
  • Weight: Excess body weight, especially belly fat, strains the back and contributes to pain.
  • Smoking: Smoking reduces blood flow to the spine, leading to degeneration of the discs and increased risk of back pain.

Prevention of Upper Back Pain

Preventative measures for upper back pain include maintaining good posture, taking breaks to stretch during prolonged sitting, and engaging in regular exercise. Simple actions like applying heat or ice to the back and getting adequate rest can also help alleviate pain.

Complications of Upper Back Pain

If left untreated, upper back pain can lead to complications such as permanent nerve damage or chronic pain, which can affect both physical and psychological health.


The prognosis for upper back pain is generally positive, with most patients experiencing significant relief through medication and physiotherapy. Over time, exercise and other treatments can lead to full recovery.


Reviewed by Dr. Vishal Agrawal, Director & Head of Spine, Orthopedics & Joint Replacement, Metro Hospital, Noida.



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