Noida Sector 12

Noida Sector 11


Preet Vihar, Delhi

Pandav Nagar, Delhi






Acalculia Treatment in Noida, Delhi Ncr, India


Many individuals have trouble with mathematics. However, acalculia is more than just a problem with calculus or algebra. Acalculia makes individuals unable to perform simple math tasks, such as determining which of two numbers is larger or multiplying numbers together. It is an acquired disorder rather than an inherited one and can affect a person at any time.

Different Types of Acalculia

Acalculia can be divided into two main types, distinguished by the affected capabilities and the location of the brain lesion. Typically, individuals with acalculia have impairments in the brain’s left hemisphere, which is responsible for logical reasoning. The extent to which the damage impairs the patient’s ability also influences the classification.

Primary Acalculia

Primary acalculia occurs when the calculating problem is not caused by another disease. Individuals with this condition lose their capacity to understand numbers or numerical combinations. The primary issue is performing calculations, and they also struggle with abstract concepts like using and understanding symbols. Primary acalculia involves damage to the frontal lobe of the brain’s left hemisphere, which scientists consider the brain’s “symphony director.” This damage can make it difficult for sufferers to switch back and forth between math concepts. Primary acalculia has two distinct symptoms:

  • Anarithmetia: A lack of ability to perform mathematical computations.
  • Asyntactic: A loss of computational sense.

Secondary Acalculia

Secondary acalculia involves a change in mathematical ability linked to other cognitive conditions, such as problems with language, executive functions, or spatial functions. The different types of secondary acalculia are:

  • Aphasic Acalculia: Errors in calculations due to linguistic changes. It stems from an inability to understand and use numerical language.
  • Alexic Acalculia: An inability to comprehend and recognize number symbols, leading to difficulty in understanding written numbers.
  • Agraphic Acalculia: An inability to write numbers correctly, not due to motor skill issues but because of a failure to understand the writing process.
  • Frontal Acalculia: Often associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, this type involves repetitive errors and difficulty recognizing mistakes.
  • Semantic Acalculia: Difficulty in understanding the relationships between numbers, such as correlating arithmetic questions with the necessary actions to solve them.
  • Spatial Acalculia: Associated with damage to the right hemisphere, this type involves difficulties with spatial processing and mathematical issues.

Acalculia Symptoms

The severity of acalculia varies from person to person, but the predominant symptom is difficulty executing or understanding fundamental arithmetic operations. Symptoms include:

  • Trouble performing basic arithmetic operations such as subtraction, addition, division, and multiplication.
  • Difficulty recognizing the value of numbers and their relationships.
  • Inability to identify a number’s position in a sequence.
  • Trouble connecting a number’s symbol with its name.

Acalculia Causes

Acalculia occurs when a part of the brain associated with mathematical reasoning is damaged, particularly the left parietal lobe of the angular gyrus. Causes include:

  • Stroke
  • Brain tumor
  • Encephalitis
  • Infection
  • Brain trauma

Acalculia is also a symptom of Gerstmann’s syndrome, a neurological disorder that develops after a stroke or severe brain injury.

Acalculia Diagnosis

Diagnosis involves assessing both vocal and written symptoms. Individuals with primary acalculia lose their sense of numbers, but their symptoms can be mistaken for other aphasic disorders. It is essential to determine whether the issue stems from a lack of understanding or an inability to follow vocal instructions.

Acalculia & Other Discomforts

Individuals with aphasia may also experience acalculia. Those with Broca’s aphasia have difficulty expressing the syntax used in calculation, while alexia acalculia involves reading difficulties.

Acalculia Treatment Approach

Acalculia should not be confused with dyscalculia, a developmental and learning disorder that requires different treatments. Neuropsychologists diagnose acalculia through various tests, including mental arithmetic, written math, and sequential operations. Rehabilitation focuses on educating new neuroplastic methods to adapt to the damage, as it is not possible to replace injured nerve tissue. Treatment for secondary acalculia depends on the underlying condition. Modern technology and apps can help individuals manage the disorder.

Acalculia Complications

Potential complications of acalculia include:

  • Difficulty with daily tasks requiring basic math skills.
  • Occupational limitations in careers requiring math skills.
  • Social isolation and feelings of inadequacy.
  • Depression and anxiety from frustration and limitations.
  • Difficulty with academic performance in subjects requiring math.
  • Lower quality of life if not effectively managed.

Acalculia Risk Factors

Risk factors for developing acalculia include:

  • Brain injury or damage.
  • Neurological disorders, including stroke, dementia & Parkinson’s disease.
  • Developmental disorders like dyslexia and ADHD.
  • Lack of formal education in mathematics.
  • Aging and the decline in mathematical abilities.
  • Genetic factors.


Recovery depends on the severity of the brain injury and the underlying cause. Complete recovery may not be feasible if symptoms persist beyond 2 to 3 months after a stroke. Individuals with minor symptoms or those in professions not heavily reliant on math may return to work. Continuous advancements in medical research and rehabilitation techniques offer hope for improving outcomes for many patients.

Reviewed & Updated

Reviewed by Dr. Sushma Sharma, Director & HOD – Neurology on 06-July-2024.



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