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Noida Sector 11


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Pandav Nagar, Delhi






Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Treatment in Noida, Delhi NCR, India


Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a severe blood cancer originating in the bone marrow, affecting the production of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. This condition leads to the rapid production of abnormal white blood cells known as myeloblasts, which can infiltrate various parts of the body including the lymph nodes, liver, spleen, brain, spinal cord, and testicles. If untreated, AML can be life-threatening, with a prognosis of weeks to months.

Symptoms of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Symptoms of AML may include:

  • Fever
  • Bleeding manifestations (e.g., bruising, gum bleeding, blood in urine or stool)
  • Anemia (low hemoglobin)
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss or loss of appetite
  • Petechiae (tiny red spots on the skin)
  • Swollen gums
  • Enlarged liver or spleen
  • Frequent infections
  • Shortness of breath
  • Bone pain

Causes of Acute Myeloid Leukemia AML develops due to mutations in the DNA of bone marrow cells, causing uncontrolled cell growth and division. These mutations lead to the production of immature, dysfunctional white blood cells that disrupt normal blood cell production.

Diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Diagnostic procedures for AML include:

  1. Blood Tests: Elevated white blood cell count and the presence of myeloblasts indicate AML.
  2. Bone Marrow Biopsy: A sample from the hipbone is analyzed for leukemic cells.
  3. Lumbar Puncture (Spinal Tap): Fluid from the spinal canal is examined for leukaemia cells if necessary.
  4. Laboratory Testing: Identifies specific gene mutations to guide prognosis and treatment.

Treatment for Acute Myeloid Leukemia AML treatment focuses on eradicating abnormal cells and achieving complete remission. Treatment options include:

  1. Chemotherapy: High doses are administered to destroy leukemia cells.
  2. Bone Marrow or Stem Cell Transplant: Replaces diseased marrow with healthy stem cells.
  3. Targeted Therapy: Drugs target specific genetic abnormalities in cancer cells.

Treatment Phases

  • Phase 1: Remission Induction Therapy: High-dose chemotherapy aims to eliminate leukemia cells. If successful, patients achieve remission, marked by the absence of detectable leukemia cells.
  • Phase 2: Post-Remission Therapy (Consolidation): Additional treatments to eradicate any remaining cancer cells. Options include:
    • Further chemotherapy
    • Allogeneic (donor) stem cell transplant
    • Autologous (self) stem cell transplant

Risk Factors for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Risk factors include:

  • Increasing age (more common in adults over 65)
  • Gender (more common in men)
  • Previous cancer treatments (chemotherapy or radiation)
  • Exposure to high levels of radiation or certain chemicals (e.g., benzene)
  • Smoking
  • Other blood disorders (e.g., myelodysplasia, myelofibrosis)
  • Genetic disorders (e.g., Down syndrome)

Complications of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Possible complications include:

  • Infections
  • Weakened immune system
  • Bleeding
  • Infertility

Outlook for Acute Myeloid Leukemia With treatment, many adults achieve remission, with no detectable cancer cells and normal blood cell production. However, AML may relapse, requiring continued chemotherapy or a bone marrow stem cell transplant. Around 50% of patients reach long-term remission with ongoing treatment.

Last Updated Reviewed by Dr. Sumant Gupta, Director – Metro Cancer Institute, Faridabad on 25-July-2024



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