Noida Sector 12

Noida Sector 11


Preet Vihar, Delhi

Pandav Nagar, Delhi






Head & Neck Oncology: Comprehensive Care at Metro Cancer Institute


Head and Neck Cancer (H&N cancer) encompasses a range of malignancies originating in the lip, oral cavity, nasal cavity, sinuses, pharynx, larynx, salivary glands, and thyroid. Globally, H&N cancers are the sixth most common cancer type and constitute around 40% of cancers in Southeast Asia, including India. Recent advancements in oncology—surgical, radiation, and medical—have significantly improved the understanding and management of H&N cancers. Metro Cancer Institute is dedicated to offering superior care for these cancers, employing the latest technology and expert teams to ensure the most effective treatment.

Disease Management Group (DMG)

At Metro Cancer Institute, our Head and Neck DMG comprises a multidisciplinary team of specialists, including head and neck surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, plastic and reconstructive surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, nuclear medicine specialists, and therapists. This collaborative approach ensures a comprehensive, personalized treatment plan. Regular Tumor Board meetings allow the team to review each case in detail and refine treatment strategies based on patient needs and responses.

Advanced Technologies

  • Tomotherapy: Advanced radiation therapy delivering precise doses to cancerous cells while minimizing damage to surrounding tissues.
  • Robotic Surgery: Minimally invasive procedures using robotic systems for effective tumor removal with reduced pain and quicker recovery.
  • TrueBeam Linac: State-of-the-art linear accelerator providing high-energy radiation with pinpoint accuracy for treating head and neck cancers.
  • PET Scan: Cutting-edge imaging technology for accurate diagnosis and monitoring of cancer progression.

Types of Head and Neck Cancers Treated

  • Oral Cancer
  • Throat Cancer
  • Laryngeal Cancer
  • Pharyngeal Cancer
  • Thyroid Cancer
  • Parathyroid Tumors
  • Parotid Gland Cancer
  • Nasopharyngeal Cancer

Treatment Approach

  1. Early-Stage Cancer: Typically treated with surgery or radiation. Additional therapy may be recommended based on risk factors identified in the final histopathology report.
  2. Locally Advanced Cancer: Managed with a combination of surgery, radiation, and potentially chemotherapy. Effective reconstruction can significantly enhance the quality of life.
  3. Advanced Cancer: Focuses on palliative care, using radiation, chemotherapy, or immunotherapy to improve quality of life and extend lifespan.

Comprehensive Support Services

  • Stoma Care: Management of artificial openings for waste collection.
  • Onco-Psychology: Psychological support for cancer patients.
  • Dietetics and Nutrition: Tailored nutritional guidance.
  • Onco-Cardiology: Cardiovascular care related to cancer treatment.
  • Cancer Prevention and Genetics: Risk assessment and preventive advice.
  • Molecular and Precision Oncology: Tailored treatments based on detailed genetic profiling of tumors.Tobacco Cessation Services: Support for quitting smoking.

Patient-Centric Care

Metro Cancer Institute is committed to providing the highest standard of care through a patient-focused approach. Our experts work closely with patients to develop individualized treatment plans that meet their unique needs and goals. We are here to offer support and comprehensive care throughout the cancer journey.


Reviewed by Dr. R.K. Choudhary, Director & Head – Medical Oncology, Haemato Oncology & BMT.



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